Documents for Participation

Candidates applications must be accompanied by the required supporting documents in accordance with the notice.

The necessary requisite documents are:

  1. Electronic application, which is submitted electronically on the website of the MSc, printed by the candidate and submitted in paper form together with the other submitted documents.
  2. The curriculum vitae must also be submitted on paper or in hard copy, or, in the case of the application form, in the form of a CV.
  3. A brief statement of interests, indicating the scientific and professional interests of the candidate and a documentation of the reasons why the candidate is interested in the MSc.
  4. A copy of a copy of a first degree or diploma.
  5. A detailed statement of undergraduate and postgraduate grades.
  6. Certificate of equivalence and equivalence from the D.O.A.T.A.P. (where required).
  7. Recognized postgraduate qualifications (if any).
  8. Proof of English Language proficiency (B2).
  9. At least two letters of recommendation.
  10. Scientific publications and awards (if any).
  11. Evidence of professional experience (if any).
  12. Photocopy of two-sided Identity Card, or Passport.

Foreigners applying for postgraduate studies shall submit to the MSc Secretariat certificates and diplomas, certified and translated by the local consular authorities.
The application with the required documents shall be submitted to the D.O.A.T.A.P.

The D.O.A.T.A.P. shall decide within an exclusive period of sixty (60) days from the submission of a complete file. Upon their return to the Department, the applicant’s final acceptance is made.

The electronic application form shall be printed and signed by the person concerned and submitted to the Secretariat in paper form together with the other supporting documents within the time limit.